Procrastination is so much easier than actually doing something. Everyone has at least one to-do that they’ve been putting off. With the To-Do Tasks You’ve Been Putting Off Checklist, you can easily tackle those projects and start de-cluttering your life one step at a time. With the To-Do Tasks You’ve Been Putting Off Checklist, you can easily tackle those projects and start de-cluttering your life one step at a time.
Download the To-Do Home Cleaning CheckList
Details for each Project and Task on your To-Do List
Closet Organizing – Easily the most time-consuming project, but also one that will save you time every morning. Start by pulling everything out of your closet and putting them in piles. “Shoes”, “Jackets”, “Pants” etc. From here, use storage bins or pretty boxes to put away out of season clothing, purses, and other items you don’t need too often. Then, re-hang your clothes (in order – pants together, sweaters in one area, etc) and step back to view your finished goal: an easily navigated, eye-pleasing closet.
Clothing Clean-Out – A trip to the dry cleaners, seamstress, or donation center seems too hard when Netflix is already in your living room. To get this done, start by removing all clothing that either hasn’t been used in over a year, doesn’t fit right, or need sewing/stain removal. Donate the clothing you haven’t used and have no future reason to use. If you can, sew up any small holes in clothing, otherwise take those too-long pants and dress you spilled red wine on down to the people who will fix them up. Within a day or two, you’ll have a closet of wearable clothing.
Computer Clean-Up – Save to desktop, save to desktop…it’s an easy habit to fall into. Folders with vague labels and pictures titled “fghfgffa” probably exist on your computer. Take an hour or two to clean up your desk top, condense folders, and put everything in its proper place. Then, use a USB drive (or two) to back up everything important.
Make a Meal Commitment – Living in a fast-paced society means fast food reigns king. You’ve probably always wanted to save cash and cut down on greasy food by eating better throughout the day, but haven’t had the energy to make it happen. Make a list (or visit a site that has a list) of all the foods you do/could make at home. Then use a calendar to pencil in a sort of “schedule” of when to cook and what to eat. Buy ingredients on a designated day and then cook your meals early in the week (in larger portions to store and carry throughout the week). Stick to your plan by making your meals a priority.
Destroy the Junk Drawers – Any roomy place that’s out-of-sight makes it easy for out-of-mind storage. Pull out EVERYTHING from those drawers, under the bed, in the corner of the shed, and pile it up. Organize it into two categories: Toss and Keep. In the keep pile, organize further and group together like-items. Crafts, papers, writing utensils, etc. Then use those drawers and other “junk” places to neatly put the grouped items in them.
Create a Budget – This one is actually pretty easy. Take your monthly income, list all of your monthly expenses (not including things you don’t need), then do the math. If you’re bringing in more than you’re spending, then set an amount aside for a savings account. If you’re spending more than you make, examine where to cut expenses or how to bring in extra income.