Boating is a great experience to share with others, or as a way to escape the business of your regular life. Its a terrible idea to simply hop in a boat and sail away, but our Boating Checklist Template will help you prepare and execute your boating expedition with ease.
Read below for tips, and download our checklist at the bottom of the page.
The first thing you must do before beginning your boat journey is to learn how to boat. This is done through getting your boating license, which will teach you how to boat. When you’re legally ready to boat, make sure your boat is stocked with items that you’ll need. A compass for navigation, clean drinking water, life jackets, and extra fuel are all must-haves.
When you are about to set sail, make sure the tide and weather forecast work in your favor. Be sober, awake, and ready to pay full attention to the water-road.
Pay attention as you boat that nothing feels “off” and that no water is leaking into the boat. If this happens, begin draining the water using a bucket and get to shore to call for help as soon as possible.
More important than anything is to always wear a life vest. Even the best swimmers can get caught in a tide, become lost at sea, or suffer an injury.