The process of getting the word out about your company’s products or services, or marketing, is one of the most vital aspects to a business. No matter how good the quality of your goods or services are, without bringing in customers, you will not acquire the business revenue as the company with a great marketing strategy. The process of marketing can be time consuming, expensive and labor intensive but it is critical for attracting customers. There is a Microsoft Office marketing checklist template available for download which can help through the marketing process.
By using this marketing checklist template you are basically inviting people to buy your product or service. Then they will tell people they know about your great service and send them your way.
Using the Marketing Checklist Template from Microsoft
This marketing checklist template will help even a novice at marketing initiate and understand the marketing process. With the aid of this template, you can assign various phases of the marketing process to individuals and/or track the status of those tasks as they are completed. Depending on the size of your business or how detailed a marketing plan you want, you can customize this marketing checklist template to suit your particular needs.
You can include such items as product analysis, research storyboard design, design storyboards, different phases of research analysis, prototype development, and several phases of advertising content creation. Or if you already have a product or service ready for sale, you can simplify this marketing checklist template to just focus on the advertising tasks.
You can include your small business marketing budget into this marketing checklist template as well. It is important to include your marketing budget in your plan so that you can outline the costs of your marketing and advertising. Perhaps your budget is too small to hire a marketing or advertising firm but using this marketing checklist template offers your business a sensible, and free, alternative.
Using this template you can analyze the time your spend developing your marketing plan, which is time well spent because it will bring your more customers and revenue.
Download: Marketing Checklist