If you have ever lived in a rented apartment or house, you know that landlords are out to make money, and while you cannot hold the landlord’s objective against him or her, you should know that his or her goals will impact your desires, which are to live in a well-maintained, problem-free property. So if it is time for you to rent a new house or apartment, take care of yourself by bringing along a rental checklist.
About the Microsoft Rental Checklist
In your checklist you will be able to fill in information about the condition of each room. Items such as doors, door handles, built in furnishings, appliances, etcetera all have rows with quick note columns so you do not forget what to check for.
- Follow the column of items to check, making note of any damage or abnormal findings.
- Consolidate all of your information on your findings and prepare the checklist for viewing with the landlord.
- Allow for plenty of time to thoroughly check all rooms in the rental property.
- Do not be afraid to seem nitpicky. Note scratches, scuffs, dirt and dust. Many of the seemingly small details bely larger problems.
Tips for Using the Rental Checklist Template
To get the most out of your free, easy to use, rental checklist simply track each column and row. You can type all notes into the cells for follow-up with the prospective landlord. By bringing a well-organized list of potential concerns, you will enter into the rental agreement without concern of property damage, and without getting strapped with property repair costs that were not made by you during your time as tenant.
- Getting the most out of the rental checklist also includes keeping the document up to date.
- During your tenure in the property, update the checklist with any property damage, major or minor, that you cause or find.
- Because the checklist has cells for updated damage, and end of term notes, you will be able to follow every development in the home.
Imagine, when you move you, you will know that your deposit is coming back to you. Most people cross their fingers hoping to receive a return on their deposit, but with the free rental checklist, you do not have to worry about the unknown.
Download: Rental Checklist