Spring is here, and we will all be making plans to spend the days outside enjoying the weather. But, if you have to come home to a house that has a back log of chores, then you can get overwhelmed. So, this year you can avoid all the fussing at family members over undone chores. We have a spring cleaning checklist that will get you organized, so that you can spend stress free activity time with your family.
How to Use the Spring Cleaning Checklist
This easy-to-use spring cleaning checklist will help you keep your house clean and organized all season long. Simply download this cleaning checklist template for free and customize it to meet your cleaning needs. It has spacing to accommodate daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal chore lists. It allows for enough space to initial and date completed chores, so that shared chores are credited to the appropriate person. You will also be able to clearly see when a chore had last been completed.
Keeping your house organized with a checklist allows other members of the household to be a responsible resident without you having to nag, beg, and threaten them. You can simply say, “Choose a chore from the (kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or living room) daily list and complete it.”
Tips for Using the Spring Cleaning Checklist
- Consider making a spring cleaning checklist for each room of the house and include items that are normally overlooked. Overlooked items may include: sterilize toothbrushes, take down and wash the shower curtain, sanitize the dish rack, freeze items to kill dust mites, or change the water pitcher filter.
- Checklists that are made for a child’s bedroom should break chores down into separate tasks. Instead of saying ‘clean the floor’. The list should break it down into tasks like: pick up all clothes from the floor and put them in the dirty clothes hamper, or pick up all paper from the floor and put it in the trash can.
- Consider using stickers to verify completed tasks and use family activity rewards as incentives to keep the checklist current.
Download: Spring Cleaning Checklist