Setting up a new company can be a daunting experience. There are many topics and concerns to be covered before the legwork can even begin. Before driving all over town only to find out essential documentation or paperwork could have been established via the internet or by placing a telephone call. The worst of all would be to begin operation of your new company without all of the correct licensing. This mistake has slowed down or even stopped many companies before they can begin operating. The Starting a Business checklist template will help any potential business owner professionally precede with all their bases covered.
This customizable template is available free on this page. It will keep all pertinent contact information located in one easy to file and locate form. Download this easy-to use Starting a Business Checklist right here.
How to Use the Starting a Business Checklist
- Customize your template with company name and logo.
- List the address or addresses you will be using, such as a physical location or you may consider a postal box to receive mail. List your business phone and fax number.
- Writing down the start date of the business and number of owners. Here you could note how they want their names to show and list contact information for each one.
- Carefully consider and fill in each checkpoint. The third column allows you to make note of contact information, licenses, tax numbers, and website addresses you are considering using.
Other Uses for the Starting a Business Checklist
- Opening bank accounts
- Preparing payroll
- Preparing taxes
- Setting up retirement accounts
- Talking to Insurance Agent
- Setting up a website
You will also find the Starting a Business Checklist will come in handy if the time comes to expand your network and open other offices or related companies in the future. You can use this template again and refer back to this checklist for contacts information to proceed with future endeavors. Then as your business grows the starting a business checklist becomes historical documentation for your company. Use the New Company Setup Checklist Word document to make starting your new business simple and easy.
Download: Starting a Business Checklist