Being a substitute teacher is a really great opportunity to meet new staff, teach at different schools, and enjoy the variety of subjects. It can also be a little daunting to be as prepared as you’d like. The Substitute Teacher Checklist has been created to help all substitute teachers get through each job with confidence.
The checklist is free, easy-to-use, and easy to update. From general tips through to the end of your substitute day, this checklist really walks you through having a successful day and making a great impression.
Customizing the Substitute Teacher Checklist
This template is easy to customize for your specific needs. The checklist has been separated into 6 major sections: General Tips, Be Prepared For The Day, Throughout The Day, Lesson Plans, End Of The Day, and Substitute Teacher Bag. Each section can be customized to include your own ideas or tasks.
Staying on track with the Substitute Teacher Checklist
Once you print this checklist you can easily mark off each item as it is completed. This will help keep you on track for each substitute assignment you receive. Staying on track and keeping all the details aligned will also help give other educators the best impression.
Download the checklist template today, customize it if you need, and then enjoy filling the gap that teachers most desperately need when they are unable to be with their students. Enjoy your substitute teaching!
Download: Checklist for Substitute Teachers