One of the most dreaded areas for any person in management is to have to discipline, suspend, or terminate an employee. This is a necessary part of business but it does not make it any more pleasant. There is a template available from this page that you can use as a checklist when the time comes to terminate an employee. Using this termination checklist template will ensure that all of your important information is recorded.
Using this downloadable template will allow you to focus on the task at hand and not the emotional side of human nature in such situations. This template is available here on this page; it is fully downloadable, and free. There are areas that are customizable for your business or department on the document. This allows you to complete some of the repetitive parts of your paperwork job right from your computer with this template. Simply follow these easy-to-read instructions to set up your own free customizable employee termination template right from this page.
How to Use the Termination Checklist
- Open the free Termination Checklist template.
- Download the blank form onto your desktop of your computer with a proper label naming the folder.
- Open the template document on your desktop and add any information that is a repetitive element on the template.
- Save this form of the Termination Checklist to your desktop or to a designated area with an appropriate label for the file.
Tips for Using the Termination Checklist
- Spell check and check for errors before printing your Termination Checklist template.
- Print out a test sheet of your template form to be assured that all areas desired are covered and your result is acceptable.
When it comes to calling the shots, it is not all gold and glamour. One of the most dreaded jobs is firing an employee. Having the termination checklist to aid in making the process as quick and easy as possible will help you get the unpleasant business done and carry on with your necessary business.
Download: Termination Checklist