Weddings are a time to celebrate love and happily ever after, but it can also be one of the most stressful times in a couple’s life. When there is a big wedding to plan, tuxes to rent and a dress to buy, the insurmountable list of things to do seems to grow. Let’s not forget the reception; it requires keen planning and attention to every detail.
However, the one small piece that will mean the most later is the photography. Why is it one of the most important parts of the wedding? It allows a person to share their memories and to show future generations this special day. Those who are smart know which shots they want, and using a customizable Wedding Photography Checklist Word document can help.
Customization of the Wedding Photography Checklist allows specifications that no photographer could forget. Some couples want hand shots with rings, others want funny pictures. This Microsoft Word Template is a great communication tool between photographer and the couple.
How to Use the Wedding Photography Checklist Word Document
- If this is being used by a photography company, be sure to fill in the company’s info on the top. Include company logo and any other pertinent information.
- The checklist is divided into two sections, before the ceremony and after. This can be changed to read however a person feels necessary. It can be changed to reception or before, during and after.
- Lastly, customize the fields for the specific picture shots that are available. There are many already set up, feel free to add and delete as necessary.
Tips for Wedding Photography Checklist Word Document
- Always leave room for customers to add special shots they might want. An “other” section is always advisable.
- Even though it is on the checklist, make sure to ask about special accommodations, handicaps with the party etc..
- Make sure to keep a copy of this checklist. Should the customer come back and say something was done that wasn’t; this can be a great reference tool for both parties.
All photographers need a checklist. Using the Wedding Photography Checklist Word document is easy and quick to customize.
Download: Wedding Photography Checklist