Have you ever entered the cleaning season, only to be completely lost? Where do you start, what needs to be cleaned thoroughly and what can you skip for now? The free Weekly Cleaning Checklist is a new tool designed to help answer those questions and organize your battle strategy when it comes to keeping your home clean on a daily basis. The free template document is a simple Word sheet with plenty of common examples so you can just print and check the sheet off as you make your home spotless this year. Simply read the guide below for more information about this helpful template.
Using the Weekly Cleaning Checklist
Now, take a look at the Weekly Cleaning Checklist once you have clicked the link below and downloaded the sheet to your computer.
The template breaks down your cleaning by room. Take some time to change the examples to match the rooms of your own home.
Subsequently, you can also change the items below each room as you see fit. To change something, just highlight it with your template and type something new.
When you have a full list of items to clean your home and keep it clean, you can finally print the sheet to start using.
To print your Weekly Cleaning Checklist, go to the top of your screen and select the “File” button, then the “Print” option when it appears.
This will allow you to make as many copies of the Weekly Cleaning Checklist as you may need. This template offers the full array of customization tools that are needed to keep a home clean. Not only that, but it’s also simple to use. Just a few items highlighted that you can run through and when you have everything checked off your list, you’ll know that your work is done and ready for guests!
Download: Weekly Cleaning Checklist