There are many things that you need to know before getting a tattoo and the free Before Getting a Tattoo Checklist can help you organize all the important stuff by listing them on a simple checklist template. The items on this list are not as obvious as you may think. Did you know that the titanium dioxide used can cause rashes and in some cases lead to infections for people with sensitive skin. This template focuses on the design, health, and execution of your tattoo before you even get one. By using this free document, you will be able to plan your next tattoo and not have to worry about forgetting something important.
How to Use the Before Getting a Tattoo Checklist
To download your new template, click the link at the bottom of this page.
Next, take a look at the categories, highlighted in bold. The idea will be to go through the checklist in descending order and check off the items listed.
Start by reading through the list and changing the items that don’t apply to you. For example, maybe you already have a reliable tattoo artist in mind, so you could delete or ignore the artist selection section.
You shouldn’t have to change the first few sections because they simply go over possible health issues that you might run into.
The next section goes into the artwork you want, then the shop/artist, and finally you own body.
This template is designed to make you aware of the pitfalls that can be associated with getting a tattoo so you can ensure that the design, artists, and area are exactly what you want.
As you complete each of these tasks, you can check the box next to each item. You can also add or delete items on the list as you see fit.
Download: Before Getting a Tattoo Checklist