Moving away for college can be both thrilling and scary. Keep in mind that many hands make light work. Using a customizable packing checklist is a good way to secure a helping hand with your move. Smart students know that being prepared reduces stress. They also know using a free downloadable template to stay organized is a lot more effective than just winging it on moving day. Don’t show up in your new home already stressed out from your move. By staying organized with the College Apartment Checklist, you can stay on track and save time.
How to Use the College Apartment Checklist Template
- First, fill in your packing list data and save the file. This will include all the items you will use day to day. Be sure to list the amount you intend to bring and consider using customizable categories, to keep everything organized.
- Second, track your progress with the easy to use progress chart. This chart will show you how much more work is in store, so you can budget your time accordingly.
- Third, double check your list to spot any items you might be missing. A quick scan of your list can save you the hassle of replacing anything you may have forgotten to pack.
Tips for Using the College Apartment Checklist
- First, use your data to spot and eliminate clutter. A quick glance at your items will help you identify anything you can leave behind.
- Second, use the College Apartment Checklist to repack when you return home during breaks and holidays. If you know you will be returning home during the winter, you know you won’t need to pack your winter jackets in the fall.
- Third, send a copy of your checklist to your roommate. By sharing your list with your roommate you can avoid doubling up on items. This will help you avoid clutter, and potentially help you save money.
There are plenty of challenges awaiting you as you start college. By staying organized with the College Apartment checklist, you can tackle your first challenge before you even leave home.
Download: College Apartment Checklist