If you need extra capital to support new and exciting business ventures, then a commercial loan from a financial institution may be right for you. An easy-to-use commercial loan checklist details all the information you will need to provide a lender and is available for download right here on this page.
Know before you go. Lenders are more willing to lend to those who are knowledgeable, proactive, and professional. Complete the commercial loan checklist and arrive with the information a lender will need at the outset, demonstrating your business acumen and increasing the likelihood you have a positive transaction.
How to Use the Commercial Loan Checklist
- First, open the commercial loan checklist template available FREE on this page and save as a new document. Once saved, fill out the borrower information, proposed loan date, type, and loan amount.
- Next, collect the documents listed in the Loan Documents section of the commercial loan checklist. Enter comments pertaining to those documents in the customizable comments section on the right. Reference any bottom-line numbers as well as the page number where the document can be found.
- Finally, enter any additional notes or comments relevant to your commercial loan application.
Tips for Completing the Commercial Loan Checklist
- Several types of commercial loans are available to businesses including: lines of credit, unsecured loans, or term loans to name a few. Seek advice from a loan officer regarding the type of loan that the most sense for your business. *This is something you may want to comparison shop different financial institutions to see who will give you the best rate.
- This commercial loan checklist can serve as a cover sheet to copies of all the listed documents so it is helpful to organize the documents in the order listed on the checklist.
- Include copies of property appraisals since lenders want to know the value of real property that may act as collateral.
Any business could benefit from additional capital. Use this commercial loan checklist to gather the materials needed for a loan application, thus streamlining the process for your business.
Download: Commercial Loan Checklist