You never know when an emergency will happen. It is important to always be prepared for those unexpected events. This Emergency Checklist will give you get the essential information that you will need in an emergency in one sheet. Having this important information easy to find and in one place will help you in those emergency situations. Every household should have this checklist ready to go before you need it.
How to Use the Emergency Checklist
This Emergency Checklist is available absolutely free of charge. It is easy to use and downloadable directly from this site. Once you have downloaded the checklist, you can customize it to your needs and situation. Consider filling out more than one of these check lists. Keep one of these Emergency Checklists in an easily visible place in your home and another with an emergency supply kit.
To start filling out the list, get your family together to discuss what it on the checklist. With your entire family together, you can decide on a primary and secondary meeting place for your family. Then decide on what you will do if you are out of town in the event of an emergency. Then enter all the important information regarding each member of your family.
Tips for Using the Emergency Checklist
- Keep this Emergency Checklist is a place where you can find it quickly and easily
- Keep this checklist up to date. Things often change in families, so be sure to update it with current information every few months.
- Make sure your entire family knows what is on the sheet and what they are to do in case of an emergency. Everyone should be educated on what they need to do in an unexpected event.
- Consider making a copy for each member of the family to keep in a safe place where they will easily be able to find it. That way everyone has the information in case you are separated.
Preparing yourself and your family for an emergency is an important step to keeping you safe and protected. If you have this all prepared in advance, everyone will know what to do when the unexpected occurs.
Download: Emergency Checklist