One aspect of software design and network architecture which people often forget is that it relies on teamwork just as much as a physically constructed architectural project. The modern field of IT requires large amounts of people all working together in a highly coordinated way. When things go wrong with the group, it will usually end up hurting the project in the long run. This is why it’s so important to use resources such as the IT audit checklist.
Initial Steps With the IT Audit Checklist
The basic use of the IT audit checklist is incredibly simple. One will first need to have a basic word processing program installed. While Microsoft Word is the standard, free alternatives such as LibreOffice are also compatible with the checklist. After ensuring the needed software has been installed, one should download the template from this page. Remember where you downloaded it to, and then double click on it. Your word processor will then proceed to open the checklist. The IT audit checklist is fully usable as it is, but one can also easily edit it to fit one’s needs.
Tips for Using the IT Audit Checklist
- Keep in mind how easy it is to customize the template. One should never be afraid to make too many changes to it in order to let it fits your needs.
- Remember that all departments want to be involved in the process. Each department will also have many individual things to contribute which you might not be aware of. After editing the template, one should check with the head of each department in order to be sure that everything important to them is on the IT audit checklist.
- Remember to electronically file the IT audit checklist. Paper copies can be useful, but digitally saved backups are so easily saved that it should always be done.
- Don’t feel you need to keep track of everything. If the IT audit checklist is shared, such as within a cloud storage system, than different departments will be able to individually keep track of many items by themselves.
Download: IT Audit Checklist