Preventive maintenance is the best way to save money in the long term. It’s why you change your oil, rotate your tires, and do all those other necessary activities to keep your car running smoothly for years to come. However, that said, it’s a good idea to keep a preventive maintenance checklist on hand in order to keep an eye on the dates when the maintenance was last done, and when it needs to be done again.
Fortunately there’s a simple preventive maintenance checklist template that anyone can use free of charge. It’s quick, simple, and doesn’t even require signing up for a newsletter.
How Does the Preventive Maintenance Checklist Work?
In order to get your hands on the preventive maintenance checklist template just go to the link provided and download the template. Once it’s on your computer, simply open it up and start filling it out. Once you have it filled out the way you like click “Save As” and name the file something catchy you’re sure to remember. Print it out and fill out the form by hand, or simply make changes to the record so you have an updated copy on your computer to refer to. It really is just that simple.
Download the Preventive Maintenance Checklist Today!
This preventive maintenance checklist template is totally and completely free to anyone who wants it. That means if you only download it once, you pay nothing for it. If you lose it, overwrite it, or the file gets corrupted then you can download it again for free. If you want to put it on different machines or share it with your friends there’s still no charge for using it. It’s just as free after ten or a hundred downloads as it is the first time.
In addition to costing users no money though, this preventive maintenance checklist template saves users other things as well. It’s simple to use, which means it won’t take time to figure out. It also uses standard Microsoft Office, which means that there’s no need to buy a shiny, top-of-the-line program just to make it run. In the end it really is just that easy.
Download: Preventive Maintenance Checklist