Winter is often the sign of death for many people that are new to gardening. The free Simple Gardening Tips for the Cold template is here to provide you with basic tips that can help you make your plants last this winter. There are many ways to protect your garden this year and this document lays them all out for you to take advantage of. You will be given a simple Word document will all the tips listed and organized by category. All you need to do is download the free template to get started. You can learn how to use this free document by following the guide below.
How to Use the Simple Gardening Tips for the Cold
To download the free Simple Gardening Tips for the Cold template, just follow the link at the bottom of this page and open the file once completed.
Now, you can see that the general structure of the free template is easy to follow. In bold with a larger font, you have the different categories to help you navigate through the plants you need to take care of.
When you scroll down the list to find the item you need, let’s use “Tropical Plants” as an example. Below the category title, you will see a nice introduction and list of multiple items to help you with your gardening for the winter, in this case with tropical plants.
Using the information listed below each item, you can help your plant thrive in winter weather.
The template is also designed to help you build new information over time. Maybe you try using a pesticide and find that one brand works much better than others. You could simply add that brand name in the same section so you know to always add that item.
Once you have your list completed just print the document and get to gardening a beautiful winter scene!
Download: Simple Gardening Tips for the Cold