Depression is a real and manageable condition. However, many people feel uncomfortable discussing their symptoms with their doctor. A checklist is a great way for a doctor to see how the patients are feeling so they can treat them appropriately. The depression checklist was created to help those who are having issues they cannot control get the help they need. Both doctors and patients can use this list and the options are unlimited, as it is customizable.
How to Use the Depression Checklist Word Document
- Initially, just fill in the company’s data in the upper left hand corner, and then be sure to save the file. Sine this checklist is basically for informational purposes, there is no need to make it fancy, though logos are nice.
- Next, set up the fields that need to be answered. Right now the fields are set up with 3 basic categories, Thoughts and feelings, Relationships and Suicidal Thoughts. This can be changed around and made to read how a person sees fit. Some might want to add additional questions, which is totally fine.
- Last, the current template is set up to total a score. Though the score is not defined in the bottom section, those who score a high number out of 25 know they could be battling this condition. If the scoring becomes too complex for some, remove this section, or add to it.
Tips for Using the Depression Checklist Word Document
- First, because this depression checklist is used in the aid of diagnosing a mental health concern, it should not be taken lightly. If being handed out by a doctor’s office, make sure there is phone numbers where the doctor can be reached.
- Second, analyze the data to help diagnose. By using the score, it is easy to see if a person may be suffering from depression. The idea is to have each person answer accurately. Some may use things like this for drug seeking behaviors; a doctor should be able to week out this type of patient.
- Third, because this data can become part of a permanent file, make sure to back it up. If this is uses as an assistance to prescribe medications, it should be kept in the patient’s file. If it is just being used by someone who wants to discuss things with their doctor, print out a copy of the depression checklist and take it along to the next appointment.
Download: Depression Checklist