Having a new puppy in your midst isn’t as easy as you may think and you’re going to need a few things before you’re ready to bring the little guy or girl home. The free Must Have Puppy Supplies Checklist is a tool that was designed to help you prepare for that joyful day by providing you with all the necessities that a young puppy needs, in order to thrive in their new setting. You can also use this free template to create your own list of items that come from friend and family suggestions, online research, or anywhere else you might find information about caring for your new young pup. To get started with this free template, just read the instructions below.
Using the Must Have Puppy Supplies Checklist
This template is a simple Word document that you can download by following the link at the bottom of this page.
After downloading the free template, you will notice a few key items that your puppy needs in order to live at your home. This list comprises the essentials and it will be up to you to add to this list to make your puppy, not only be able to live at your home but feel like it’s their home as well.
You will start by going out and acquiring the items on the list. This way, you will have the essentials ready for when your new puppy arrives.
When you buy an item on the list, you can mark it off with the checkbox to the left of the item.
The next step will be to add to your list with fun items that would make your puppy feel welcome in their new home or important items that simply are not listed.
Maybe you want to start out training your dog early on so a dog whistle and some training treats can be added to the list.
The possibilities are endless with this simple template.
Download: Must Have Puppy Supplies Checklist