Every summer calls for at least one day at the beach. Relaxing, suntanning, and having fun by yourself or with friends is a must for the warm-weather season. Our Printable Beach Day CheckList Template is an easy to to plan and pack for your day out at the beach, including how to avoid sunburn and prep the day before.
The checklist, download link located below, has three columns. One for the tasks/packing list, a section for notes (such as “need to buy”) and a place to check-off once the task if completed. You can print out the template, or use it right in Excel on your phone or computer.
First, pick a date and time to go. It’s best to arrive early, because parking and finding a nice spot to set-up on the beach can be difficult once it hits noon. Also try to choose a date where you have no other obligations that day, so it can be stress-free.
Next, find a sturdy bag (preferably not made of cloth) and pack the items listed on the template. Make sure your sunscreen isn’t expired, and that you bring an SPF suitable for your time spent at the beach. Packing regular lotion is also important, as salt water will dry out your skin and you can use it when you leave.
Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day to avoid sun poisoning. Even if the day isn’t too warm, being in the sun will de-hydrate you quickly. Finally, when you pack up, make sure to put any wet or damp items in a separate plastic bag. Mold can fester if you leave wet cloth pressed against other items. You can also separately seal lotions so they don’t accidentally open and ruin everything you care about.
Download the Beach Day checklist and enjoy your day out in the sun.