Gauging the success of your project all starts with proper prep work. The free Project Initiation Phase Review is the perfect way to get started with planning your next business project. This simple checklist lays out all the information you’ll need in order to get started. Once you have your own copy of the Project Initiation Phase Review, you can start editing the page to make sense for your project. You can then check off the necessary items as you complete them to ensure the project’s success. It’s really that easy. To get started today, just follow the directions at the bottom of this page.
Using the Project Initiation Phase Review
To download, follow the link provided below.
The template is pretty straightforward once you get into it. Start by entering the name and completion time of the project at the very top of the page.
Below, you will find 6 different columns in which to enter your information. The first column is the ordered number you want to complete your tasks in. For example, if you need to complete a certain task first, you can list it as number 1.
From there, you will enter a brief description of the task in the next column. The next two columns are for entering whether the task was completed or not. You can also add another checkmark if a “Yes” or “No” answer does not make sense with that task.
If you have any additional tasks you want to add with this template, you can write them in the “Comments” column at the very end of the template.
If you want to print the sheet for your own purposes or share the project plan with other people, just scroll back to the top of the page and click “File” then “Print.”
This template gives you the power and freedom to plan your project with ease.
Download: Project Initiation Phase Review